Thursday, May 25, 2006

five weird things...

You've been tagged. Write 6 weird things/habits about yourself below. Next, post those things in your own blog and pick six of your friends to tag. Leave them a comment "you've been tagged, read my blog"

six weird things about myself? i'm quite sure there aren't as many as that. but i'll indulge my reading public.

1. i have strange food habits, some of which i suppose would qualify as a little weird. in other words, i have specific ways of eating specific foods. here are some examples. a) oreos. first i must rotate the cookie and bite off four "sides" of the rounded area of the top layer, leaving a square of cookie on top of the white stuff. i then use this square to scrape off the majority of the "stuff" and deposit it in the trash where it belongs, although sometimes i eat a little just to add some variety. then i proceed to eat the rest of the cookie. b) kit kats. first i section the bar into the four pre-divided segments. then i bite off all the excess chocolate that pooled and hardened at the bottom of each bar so that the sides are naked and the wafers are exposed. then i bite off each layer of wafer separately. trust me, this is the best way to eat it. this method also works with little debbie nutty bars. i would proceed into how i eat the red, orange, yellow and purple fruit loops out of the bowl first so that only the blue and green are left, because they look pretty together in the milk, but i think i've said enough.

2. i absolutely cannot stand bathtubs. i'll stand in them (reluctantly) to take a shower, but under no condition will i lay my flesh against the cold, wet porcelain of the bathtub. not unless my life depended on it. and even that's questionable.

3. i cannot eat peanuts without looking inside each one for the sleeping santa with his forked beard. alright, so maybe that's a little weird.

4. i can't stand water on the bottoms of my shoes, especially if it came from the floor of a public restroom. it's enough to send me into an absolute panic, because i can feel the germs seeping through the soles of my shoes, onto my feet, and into my bloodstream where it will poison me with its toxic, putrid filthiness. i think this is called OCD.

5. i hate the feeling of touching my hair after i've done the dishes. i don't know if it's because my pores are all bloated from the water, but suddenly my hair feels like boar bristles. it's the weirdest thing ever. does that happen to anyone else?!

6. spelling errors and misplaced commas drive me BERSERK. i'm telling you, tower-and-rifle berserk. even worse is when people get overzealous with apostrophes and add them to every plural imaginable, resulting in the possessive. ex: pencil's. parent's. blog's. oh god, make it stop!!

wow, i'm a lot more neurotic than i thought.

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